Installing mod_auth_kerb
This page describes installation of module version 5.0. Installation guide
for the older module 4.x can be found here.
Because of variety of krb5/krb4 implementations and apache platforms we do
not provide binary distributions of the module. However, building the module
from sources is easy and if you have any problems building the module feel free
to contact the developers.
- Development enviroment (i.e. libraries and header files) for Kerberos5
and/or Kerberos4.
The module is known to work with the MIT Kerberos implementation
(supporting both krb4 and krb5), the kth-krb Kerberos4 implementation,
and the Heimdal Kerberos5
implementation. The Kerberos installation on your system should contain the
krb4-config and/or krb5-config command(s).
- Apache server installed.
Both 1.x and 2.x series of Apache are supported (make sure the apache
installation contains the apxs command)
- Working C compiler, GNU make.
- The source
of the module. Also available from the main project site.
You will also need to have an working Kerberos enviroment, of course.
Building and installing the module
Unpack the distribution tarball and run the configure script. The script
looks for krb5 and krb4 libraries and headers and then for an Apache
installation directory. You can use following flags to specify locations of
these files:
- --with-krb4=
these options are used to specify locations of the installation directories
for krb4 and krb5, respectively. If you don't want to compile support for
one of the method, use no as the appropriate parameter.
- --with-apache=
use this parameter to specify location where the Apache installation resides.
After the configuration script finishes run make followed by
make install. You will need to have writing permission for the
apache directory in order to install the module. An example of the building
stage follows:
./configure --with-krb5=/software/krb5-1.3.1 \
--with-krb4=no \
make install
After installing the module you have to adapt the apache configuration.
See this page for detailed information on
You can submit any comment, questions, bugs etc. via the project page.
If you want to build the module statically you have to specify a few
LIBS='-L/usr/kerberos/lib -lkrb5 -lcrypto -lcom_err -lresolv' \
INCLUDES=-I/usr/kerberos/include \
./configure --add-module=src/modules/kerberos/mod_auth_kerb.c
The following defines can be added to the CFLAGS line to add/alter
functionality of the compiled module:
- APXS2 - Compile with support for the Apache 1.* api.
- KRB5 - Compile in Kerberos V5 support.
- KRB4 - Compile in Kerberos V4 support.
- HEIMDAL - Compile with support for the
Heimdal kerberos v5 implementation.
- HAVE_KRB5_CC_GEN_NEW - Specify
if you krb5 libraries contains the krb5_cc_gen_new call. Currently
all Heimdal libraries and MIT 1.3 have this function.